Divine Trap Industries Pvt. Ltd.

An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company Manufacturer & Exporter of Pheromone Traps.

Main areas of activities of Business The firm is a manufacturing unit of trapping implements of agricultural & hoticultural insects through pheromone trap, Yellow Sticky trap, Delta trap, Mosquito trap, Fly trap, The Firm also deal in Bio-pesticides and Bio-fertilizer. A separate annexure is enclosed herewith with photographic presentation of the products of the Firm. Services rendered The Firm with its products reaches to the ground-level Consumers for demonstration of uses of the products to achieve maximum level of output of the products and for this the unit has built up a unique co-ordination with Agricultural officers of Govt. Departments, Business Distributors and various Farmer’s organization in West Bengal and other states of our country as well. Principal Customer The Firm has built up a selling network at all places in West Bengal. The Agricultural Universities in West West Bengal have purchased the products of this Firm the experts in this area have certified their satisfactions over the results derived from these. There are some Wholesalers of Agricultural products who have been purchasing the products on regular basis. The Firm is also a regular sale record track to dealers and Agricultural Universities to the states like Manipur, Assam, Maharastra, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh. The products of the Firm is now ready for Export sale to Bangladesh, Nepal, Srilanka & other countries.

Divine Trap Industries is a Private Limited Company. The Directors are major shareholder of this Company.

Our Mission

We produce and supply high quality Pheromone Traps to the farmers to prevent harmful pests attacks for better productivity and good quality Corps, Vegitables & Fruits.

Our Vission

After using Pheromone Traps in the Agri & Hoti fields, farmers may reduce usage of Pesticides which is harmful to our health. Hence our future will be Healthy & Pesiticide free food.

Our Strength

Our Research & Development unit with highly advance Tools And Technologies that enable Us to do production process in hassle free manner & Smooth ongoing occupational activities.

Farmers' Smile - our Mission.
Sufal Bangla Prakalpa
20 January 2019

We had participated in "Sufal Bangla" Prakalpa an initiative of the Govt of West Bengal, has been launched for the benefit of the people to ensure fresh vegetables at reasonable price at the their door step.

Annual Distributor, Dealer & Farmers Meet
20 April 2017

Annual Distributor, Dealer & Farmers Meet event was organized to increase and to enhance Customer / Farmers relationship and make the channel network aware about the company and the product portfolio.

Farmers Awareness Program
7 August 2016

Fruit Fly Workers meeting held at the Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya provided a unique platform to scientists working on fruit flies to interact, share their experience and prioritize areas for future Research.